Terms of Use
Welcome to our new website, all about the village of Woodborough.
The administrators are members of the Parish Council but it should be noted the Parish Council is not liable for any of the events advertised. All risks and organisational details remain the responsiblilty of the organising group. Should you have events to add to our diary or notifications and reports you would like added to the website please send these details to us by email and we will update the site. Remember to be polite, if you wouldn't say it to us in person do not say it online. We will not accept any abuse and will remove content if we feel it is offensive.
This website aims to bring together information that will be useful to the residents of Woodborugh. We are not a newsletter but we will publish links to village organisations, where you can read their detailed plans, reports etc. Much of our content will be links to other sites where you can find out more details than we have room for here.
We have included a scrolling banner at the top of the site, where we can add immediate information such as highlighting todays events or emergencies.
I’m a great place to inform your visitors about the nature of your website and how it may be used by visitors. Add details such the type of information and content you publish, or any additional features like taking online payments or collecting emails for a newsletter.
Transparency helps build trust with your website visitors, so take the time to write an accurate and detailed policy. Use straightforward language to gain their trust and make sure they keep coming back to your site!